Doña Paula Certifies as Sustainable Winery
Doña Paula succesfully passed the audit on the Bodegas de Argentina Sustainability Protocol in its 3.0 version, certifying as a sustainable managed winery.
This protocol was established in 2011, and in June 2018 it launched its 3.0 version. It was created by the Sustainability Commission of Bodegas de Argentina, together with a technical team of representatives of wineries from the country and private and public institutions such as the INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology), INV (National Vitiviniculture Institute) and the Agricultural Sciences Faculty of the Cuyo National University.
The protocol responds to the need to have a standard of sustainable practices adequate to Argentina’s characteristics, aligning the industry in order to address the environmental, social and economic challenges that are specific to wine. To date, 10 of the Argentinean wineries have been certified.
Ana Paula Minatel, Sustainability Coordinator for Doña Paula, comments, “This great achievement was possible thanks to the work we have been carrying for the past three years from different areas of the company, represented in the Sumar Sustentabilidad committee. This certification also represents a challenge that drives all the Doña Paula team to improve our social and environmental performance throughout the winemaking process, minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and generating shared value with our workers, their families and the communities”.