Environmental Care, a work of all


The Social Responsibility Program from Doña Paula Winery, Fortalezas, celebrated the tree’s day by giving a workshop of environmental care and plating trees in Ugarteche.

The same was in charge of Martin Balasch from Red Argentina del Paisaje (an NGO) at Novero School located in Colonia Cano. The children made a dynamic about the importance of trees in our lives and then participated in the planting.

The School’s principal, Rosana Lopez, as the host explained the community problems, where there are more and more residues on the streets every day and there is no infrastructure neither the basic necessary services. She also talked about the awareness programs that are being developed with the students and how important is that families participate.

Luján de Cuyo municipality demonstrated its commitment with the presence of Pía Santarelli, Head of Environmental Management, who assured that the municipality is going to participate actively in improvement projects of the area.

Martin Kaiser, Agronomical Engineer of Doña Paula, stated his concern for the situation and expressed the winery’s commitment to this initiative as being just the beginning of something greater. Likewise, Lucia Mallea, Head of Marketing of Doña Paula, said “unfortunately we see more and more the deterioration in the area; poverty and rubbish dumps are constantly increasing. But we strongly believe that if each one contributes from their own place, a healthier environment can be reached and care for all.”

The key factor is the articulation between the public and private sector together with the community to carry improvement projects forward, among them we will work on:

  • Collection of residues: currently there is no system established, that is why the neighbors throw their rubbish on the streets and on vacant lots.
  • Green spaces: the area has no green spaces for entertainment and sports.
  • Pedestrian bridge: students have to cross through a dry stream that gets flooded when it rains and they arrive to school wet.

We share the article published in MDZ Online

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